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Business Listing of Liban Address

Liban Address

Country: Lebanon

A National project which aims at numbering and mapping Lebanese addresses.

Having based our approach on the most advanced geographic technology (Geographic Information System - G.I.S.) commonly used worldwide, we have a scientific infrastructure on which we have built all our system in order to prevent and answer any future needs in this field (e.a. Electronic Pilot Options in the recent cars, Geographic Positioning needs for Cars and Equipments etc.)

1- The respective plates that will indicate the Street Name and the ones to indicate the Building Numbers are chosen by the Municipality in respect with the Colour and the Shape.

2- To help this to happen, Institutions like Banks/ Insurance Companies etc. will sponsor the Plates indicating the Street Name as per this example:

3- All respective streets will be named in total coordination with Municipality Council as well as with the Ministry. Names will be subject of a very exhaustive study to be done with the Municipality Councils Active Members where all kind of political considerations will be avoided.

4- Mapping of the Municipality will be scientifically done and digitalized. It will be used on the Computers for administration, statistical and organization purposes. And, in a timely manner, this will help to produce the needed Floppy Disks for the Cars Electronic Pilots Option.

5- We will be also producing in a joint effort with the Geographic Unit of the Lebanese Army a Tourist Map for all the Tourist Sector Needs in Municipalities.
This will help all the visitors of the City to have a better time efficient circulation and guidance.

6- And for those not handling the Tourist Map, we will be placing in all the strategic places in the Municipality a POP Map that will be very helpful for the Municipality Visitors. This POP Map will be lightened night time to make easier any night driving through the Municipality.

Liban Address as a pioneer project - proposed in Lebanon at top levels since 1994 - is actually in its pilot execution phase especially after it has been officially approved by the Lebanese Ministry of Interior and Municipalities.

The Pilot Project as in its execution phase in Aley will guide, later on, all other municipalities in Lebanon to same achievement.
Having been behind the original idea of implementing addresses in Lebanon - beginning with the main cities and to cover, at later stage, all towns and villages - we have also developed a very specific methodology to avoid over-charging the Municipalities by heavy financial loads and, at the same time, bringing in an innovative application that can help to have addresses, maps and better organizations tools implemented to improve the management of the municipalities and to increase their yearly income.

President & CEO:
Ramy G. RAMY

Vice President:

Project Manager:
Chawky G. RAMY

Legal Department:
Maria H. Hanna

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