The UCITS IV or UCITS 4 is a set of standards and rules for international trading, to help people trade following the European Union Level.

On the 13th of January 2009, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union approved a Directive 2009-65-EC which they call the UCITS IV which is a successor of the UCITS III. It was agreed that this directive will be implemented in 2011.

UCITS IV will basically update and enhance UCITS III rules by introducing major changes such as:

The Management Company Passport.
Master Feeder Structures.
The Notification Procedure.
Key Investor Information - KII.
An Adapted Framework for Mergers.
A Cooperation among Member State Supervisory Authorities.

In January of 2011, The FSA and HM Treasury published a joint proposal with recommendations for the introduction to the UCITS-IV.

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