Alessandro Coppola

Alessandro Coppola

Gender: Male

Nationality: Italy

Alessandro Coppola is a Italian fashion model.

Unfortunately there are many celebrities with the same name; A famous football player, a famous graphic illustrator, and few business men who top the search when you try to look for Alessandro Coppola the model from Italy.

Alessandro Coppola is 185 cm tall and has a 31cm waist. He has brown eyes and brown hair.

Alessandro Coppola appeared in few advertisments and also had 2 videoclip experiences with Lebanese singers; Carole Samaha and Nawal El Zoghby.

In 2010, he appeared in the videoclip of Khallik Behalak with Carol Samaha.

In 2011, Alessandro Coppola played the role of the lover in Alf W Miye video clip of Nawal Al Zoghbi.

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